Before you start reading this lemme just tell you! Its a Trip! It might mess with ur mind and make you doubt everything you ever believed before. So *Morpheus Voice* "Do you want to Click The Red X here and stop right here? Or continue and see how far The Rabbit Hole goes?" See what i did there with the Matrix lines?....hahaha, anyway. Enjoy! or Don't!...whatever!
'the following post is not meant to confuse or offend anyone that belongs to the now discussed topic'
Oh yeah, if you read it! Pay Close attention to the stuff i highlight.
The Sun
The Sun has been worshipped from the beginning of time. Throughout history there have been thousands of carvings and drawings showing man's adoration for the Sun. It's Easy to understand why because every morning the sun rises and bring warmth, vision and a sense of security from the predator filled nights.
Man also discovered that without the sun crops would not grow and all life would die out. All of this made the Sun the most adored object of all time....
Look at him, so hot but cooler than everyone
Man was also Very aware of the stars and knew by studying them they could recognize and anticipate events that happen over long periods of time. Stuff like Eclipses and Full moons. They Cataloged these into what we know today as Constellations.
The Cross of the Zodiac is one of the oldest 'conceptual images' in human history. It reflects the Sun as it figuratively passes through the "12" major Constellations over the course of the year. It also reflects the 12 months of the year, the four seasons, the solstices and equinoxes.
The term Zodiac come from the fact that the constellations were personified as figures or animals. Early man did not just study the stars; they personified them with elaborate myths involving their movements and relationships. The 'Sun' with its life giving and saving qualities was personified as the unseen creator or God... "Gods Sun".... the light of the world, the savior of human kind. Likewise the 12 constellations also represented places of travel for God's Sun and they were usually identified by names usually representing elements of nature that happened during that period of time. For example, 'Aquarius'- the water barer who brings the Spring Rains.
Yeah im sure y'all seen this guy in the Mummy movies before....
Horus was the Sun God of Egypt around 3000 BC. He is the Sun, personified through myths involving the suns movement in the sky. From ancient carvings in Egypt people have learned a lot about Horus. Like Horus being the Sun or The Light, had an enemy by the name of "Set" and Set was the personification of the "Darkness" or Night. Metaphorically every morning Horus would win the battle against Set. While in the Evening Set would be the victor and send Horus into the under world. It is important to know that Dark vs Light or Good vs Evil is one of the most common dualities ever known and is still expressed on many levels even today.
Broadly speaking the Story of Horus is as followed.....
Born December 25th
of the Virgin 'Isis Mary'.
His Birth was accompanied by a star in the east
which in turn 3 kings followed to adore the new born savior
at the Age of 12 he was a prodigal child Teacher
At the age of 30 he was Baptised by a a figure known as Anup and began his ministry.
He had 12 disciples he traveled about with
performing miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water.
"hope y'all know BC means 'Before Christ'"
Horus was known by many names,,,,,,Like
The Truth
the Light
God's Anointed Son
The Shepherd
The Lamb of God and many many others
Horus was betrayed by Typhon and Crucified, buried for 3 days and then resurrected.
These attributes of Horus whether Original or not, seem to be common among many other cultures of the world. Lots of Gods have been found to have the same mythological structure. Like....
Attis of Phrygia - 1200 BC
Krishna of India - 900 BC
Dionysus of Greece - 500 BC
Mithra of Persia - 1200 BC
and the list goes on and on and on
All the stories differ in some of the following but all have many in common.
Born of a Virgin
December 25th
East Star
12 Disciples
Performed Miracles
Many of them have these general characteristics but the question still remains. Why? Why The Virgin birth. Why December 25th? Why dead for 3 days and the Resurrection? Why 12 Disciples? To Find out, lets move on to the Most recent of the solar Messiahs.
Yes, him. The one who although was born in Bethlehem. Basically the desert where is ntn but brown or dark skin people originate from, he is portrayed in all his Images as a White hippy looking figure with long "a lot of the times Golden *blond* hair"
Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary on December 25th in Bethlehem. Who's birth was announced by a star in the east, which 3 kings or wise men followed to locate and adore the new savior. He was a child teacher at 12. at the age of 30 he was Baptised and thus started his ministry. Jesus had 12 disciples which he traveled about with, performing miracles such as healing the sick, walking on water, raising the dead. He was also known as The King of Kings, The Light of The World, The Alpha Omega, The Son of God, The Lamb of God and many, many others.After being betrayed by his disciple Judas, he was sold for 30 pieces of silver, Crucified, Places in a Tomb and after 3 Days was resurrected and ascended into heaven.
First of all, the Birth Sequence is completely Astrological.
The star in the east called "Sirius" *pause* lol, y'all know 'Serius Satellite Radio' right?
the Dog on the logo has a star on his Eye!....yeah... What they trying to say? They're the brightest star?.......anyway!!!

The 3 Kings and Sirius align and all point towards where the SUN rises on December 25th. "The 3 Kings Follow the star in the East to locate the Sun Rise on Dem 25" see that?
The Virgin Mary is the Constellation "Virgo" also known as Virgo the Virgin. Virgo in Latin means Virgin. Virgo is also known as the "house of bread" That's why the main sign for Virgo is a woman always holding a piece of wheat grass.

This represents August and September, the time of Harvest. The term "BETHLEHEM" literally translates to "House of Bread". Bethlehem is thus referring to the constellation Virgo, a place in the Sky, not on Earth and that why this place called Bethlehem cannot be located huh?...well there you go....
There is another interesting thing that happens around December 25th or the winter solstice. From the Summer Solstice to Winter solstice the days become Shorter and Colder and from the Perspective from the northern hemisphere the Sun appears to move South and gets smaller and more scarce. The shortening of the days and the expiration of the crops during winter solstice Symbolizes the process of "DEATH" to the ancients. It was "The Death of The Sun" By December 22nd the Sun is at its Lowest point in the sky from the perspective of the northern hemisphere. On that date the Sun seemingly stops moving south, at least that's how it looks, for 3 days. For these 3 Days the Sun resides within the Southern Cross or the "Crux Constellation" and on December 25th the Sun starts moving again but this time North. Foreshadowing longer days, warmth and spring.....yeah, weird huh? but it's true!...anyway!
Thus it was said, The Sun Died on the Cross and After 3 Days was resurrected.
That's why Jesus and Numerous other figure these attributes and concept.
However they do not Celebrate the resurrection of the Sun Until "The Spring Equinox" or "Easter" because this is the time the Sun Over powers the Darkness and there after, the Days start becoming longer in duration than the night and Plants start to grow back and shit.
The Most obvious of the Astrological symbols surrounding Jesus are the "12 Disciples". They are simply the 12 constellations of the Zodiac which him being the Sun, Travels about with.

The Number 12 is repeated throughout the Bible.
12 Tribes of Israel
12 Brothers of Joseph
12 Judges of Israel
12 Great Patriarchs
12 Prophets
12 Kings of Israel
12 Princes of Israel
The Cross of the Zodiac is also a Pagan Spiritual Symbol.
This is not a Christian Symbol, Even though you might have seen it on many Churches, around peoples Necks, tattoos, tomb stones etc.

Its actually just an adaptation of the Cross of the Zodiac. That's why in Many images Jesus is shown with the Cross behind his head because Jesus is the "SUN"....
which is the Center of the Zodiac chart with the Cross.
The Sun of God, who will come again. As it does everyday at dawn. The Glory of God who defends against Darkness "night". He can be seen coming through the clouds. Up in Heaven with his "Crown of Thorns" or "Sun Rays"
In the Bible also there are References to "The Age"....Because of the Earths rotation and revolution, every 2100 years or so The Sun Rises pointing to New Constellation. This is an Age..... Before the time of Moses it was The Age of Taurus The Bull and Moses represents the New Age of the Ram "Aries". That's why when Moses came down from the mountain with the 10 commandments and saw them worshipping the "Golden Bull" he was so furious.
Upon the new Age, everyone must Shed the old age.
Now Jesus represents the Age after Moses, The Age of Pisces which is represented by "2 Fish"...
Jesus feeds 5000 people with Bread and 2 Fish. Remember what i said about Bread earlier? Yeah....
When Jesus was doing his ministry work, he befriends "2 Fishermen" and i think we all seen the Jesus Fish on the back of peoples cars among other places.
Also Jesus assumed Birthday is the start of this Age.
In the Bible when Jesus is asked by his 12 Disciples when the next "pass over" will be Jesus replies "Behold, When ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you "Bearing a Pitcher of water".... Follow him into the house where he entereth in"
The Age after Pisces is "Aquarius" and Aquarius is symbolized by a man bearing a Pitcher of water. When the Sun leaves the age of Pisces it will enter the house of Aquarius.
LOL, y'all hear bout the whole "The Beast" and how he will come in the new Age "In the form of Man" and the end of the world and blah!.... Well Aquarius is that that "Man" funny stuff.
In the Bible Jesus says "I will be with you until the end of the world" and in the king James translation, 'world' is a Mistranslation among many mistranslations. The actual word being used is "AEON" which means.......... "Age".... yeah, Pisces/Jesus is with us until the end of the Age and then the Sun enters the Age of "The Man" Aquarius begins...... The End of the world is a mistranslation. Yeah lets tell that to Christians....Ha!
Christianity is too confused with its self too. Whats up with all the Denominations?
Maybe the Devil did all of this. Maybe created all these things in "Foresight" of Jesus and Christianity to Deceive Us...hmmnnn =\ Or God put them there to Test or Faith..... you believe what you want. >.<
I for one know that God is real. All of this couldn't be coincident and happened like the Scientist said. Come on! I just don't Do Religion but there is a God. A higher power. A creator. There must be some genius behind all of this. It can't be chance.
Is the Devil real? Who knows! but tell me this..... If God is all seeing and all knowing and knows whats going to happen before it even does like the "Christians" say. How didn't he know that the Devil was doing to do all of this? How didn't he see Adam and Eve eating the Apple coming? Why did he create imperfect beings like the Devil, if he was perfect he couldn't have gone evil and If Adam and Eve were perfect, they wouldn't have fallen for that whole snake trick. If it really happened like Christianity says.
Basically God just stood by and watched all of that happen even though he knew it was. So basically Christians them self called God a "dick"... God Really love Mix up and Drama so? Christianity makes it look like we are nothing but God's toys and the earth is his set....Really Christians? Really?.....That's not nice.
I think he created us to make our own decisions and make our own faith. That's all I'm saying. He is awesome and if i could "High Five" God right now i so would! and here i Go calling God a him.... what if its a her? AWESOME! I mean women are symbols of creation, nurturing and beauty, so why not?
Next thing is, i totally have to give props to the Bible and whoever the people were that wrote it! Pure Genius! Best book ever written. You can learn a lot by reading it. The philosophy and the life lessons in it are abundant. I never once said you should burn your bibles because it really is a good book, just don't make it about religion. Someone should rewrite the bible and make it less about religion and more about
life lessons and stuff OR HAVE THEY ALREADY DONE THAT?....
Its strange as well that there were many Historians around the time of Christ but none at all have records of this miracle working Messiah. If i was a Historian and someone as awesome as him was around I'd definitely write about him.....just saying.
Most of the information Blog came from the documentary "The Zeitgeist - The Greatest Story Ever Told" and google of course cause i had to research this ish.
P.S. I'm Clearly not Atheist.....i believe in God. Just don't do Religion. If i had to choose a religion it surely wouldn't be Christianity because of all the stuff above and even before i knew all of that i still didn't like them really. If i had to choose one I'd say ummmnnnn, I'd choose to be a MUSLIM.
Don't stop praying! Keep praying people.... I just don't know about that whole "In your Sun's.... i mean.... Son's Jesus name" part... =\
. . . . . . . . .
ReplyDeleteFox. This has some really interesting points. You did your research, I am happy and proud. I would feel much better if at the beginning you state that 'the following post is not meant to confuse or offend anyone that belongs to the now discussed topic' . . It's clearly opinionated. But the people should have that right. I read everything. Believe ? I don't fall so easily.
I'm a bull (Taurus) so I am glad we got a lil mention! POW ! :D As for Jesus being the SUN and not SON as is discussed in the bible, I'll leave that one alone.
Thanks Cams :D.... Im gonna add that to the beginning. :).... (Y)
ReplyDeleteWatch Zeigeist XD
ReplyDeletemy head hurts now..i i really really love this..imma pass it on. Great job fox...
ReplyDeleteExactly..... thats why at the End i said "Its from The Zeigiest" Some a y'all just a know bout the Zeigiest though because of the VIDEO they made but i read it YEARS ago and did my research.
ReplyDeleteJust decided that since i have a Blog now, why not share some of it.
Thanks Sabz =)
yeah man a Sani tell me fi check it out and it meks sense
ReplyDeleteI know a few ppl who would just DIE if they read this!!! However, I LOVED IT... As a result, I've GOT to find out more about The Zeitgeist...
ReplyDeleteI too believe there is a higher power at work. And I don't believe this all powerful being to be as he (I believe God's a he, don't ask me why)is portrayed... a kid with an ant farm with no real aim for us his creation... So what u said about him giving us choices..MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY!!!
Great read!!!!
I kinda like that Metaphorical comparison. a kid with an Ant farm.
ReplyDeletei really don't know what 2 say about this........what i do know is that GOD does everything 4 a i will keep my trust n faith in Him until THE END OF D WORLD!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe will all see who's right from wrong when The Messiah returns again. U do have some interesting theories in ur research so kudos 2 u. THUMBS UP 4 ur captivating read!!!! #mz benz